How to Reset Bluetooth Headphones

By Max Anthony •  Updated: 12/10/20 •  6 min read

How to Reset Bluetooth Headphones

Sometimes your Bluetooth headphones may not connect to your phone or laptop while at other times they may not be working. What do you do in case such a situation does arise? How do you set them again to work correctly? Sometimes, your headphones may not be paired with your phone and laptop, and the best option that you have is to reset your Bluetooth headphones. But how do you do that? How do you reset your headphones? If your headphones aren’t working and need a reset, here is how it is done!

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How can you reset your headphones?

As we mentioned, Bluetooth headphones can trouble you sometimes. And a quick solution is to reset them. How can you reset them? The method to do that is rather simple and easy for you to understand. Here, we give you a step-by-step guide about how you can reset your Bluetooth headphones.

In simplest terms, all you have to do is turn them off by holding the power button and pressing it for almost about 15 seconds. Then you can delete the Bluetooth headphones device from your phone’s Bluetooth paired list. Usually, when the Bluetooth headphone device and phone connection is reset, it will start working. Below, we give you a step-by-step guide to reset your Bluetooth headphone.  

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Reset Headphones

Here’s how you can reset your device.

Step 1: Turning the device off

Before you head on to the resetting process, the most important thing is to turn off your Bluetooth headphones. This is important because if it isn’t turned off, there can be a risk of damage to the device. So, the very first step will be to turn the device off.

Step 2: locating the power button

Now, you must turn to locate the power button of your device. Based on which Bluetooth headphone you are using, the power button may be in different places. You can look at your device’s instructions manual for locating this.

Step 3: Pressing the power button on your headphone

Once the button is found, you have to press it. Again, it varies according to which headphone you are using. In some headphones, you will have to press the volume button with the power button of your device. Again, make sure to look at your device’s manual.

Step 4: Holding the power button

You must hold the power button or power button with the volume button down for at least 5 to 20 seconds for it to work.

Step 5: Releasing the power button

If you have pressed the buttons long enough, the next step is to release them. So, release the button. Usually, some headphones have LED lights that illuminate steady or blink, showing the device pairing reset. Now, that your Bluetooth headphone is reset, you can perform the next step of repairing your phone with the device again.

Step 6: Deleting Bluetooth headphone device from phone’s paired list

Now you have to open your phone’s Bluetooth pair list and delete the name of the Bluetooth headphones from your list. This will give you the option to reconnect it again.

Step 7: Restarting your phone or device

When the device name is deleted from your list, you have to restart your device or phone, whatever it is that you are using.

Step 8: Repairing Bluetooth headphones to a device

Once your phone or device is restarted, connect the Bluetooth device to your phone and pair it again. This should allow your device to pair with your phone successfully if your headphone reset worked. If this works, your device is reset and ready to be used again.

With these few simple steps, you can reset your Bluetooth headphones and get them started!

FAQs about Bluetooth headphones

Some frequently asked questions about Bluetooth headphones are listed below with their answers.

If your headphones aren’t being searched or connected, there can be a problem in operating it. You should turn off the headphones, start it again, and reboot it.

For an average Bluetooth headphone, it will take about 4 hours or less for it to be charged fully.

Usually, with use with the phone and music, the battery will last for 5 hours. A standard time on standby is about 180 hours.

The factory reset operation will vary based on which company headphone you are using. Headphones designed by different manufacturers will have different ways for factory reset and one alone. You can either refer to your instruction manual of the headphone or contact the service provider/company.

The iWatch, being a Bluetooth output device on its own, cannot work when it is connected with a Bluetooth headphone.

Again, this varies from one company to another. Everyone Bluetooth Headphone brand will have its own start buttons positioned differently. Nevertheless, you can read the instruction manual provided with the headphone to find out how to turn it on. Otherwise, you can consider calling your companies helpline to guide you through.

Well, there are several reasons why this is possible, and you can check all of them to find out what caused the problem.

  1. Your device’s battery may be low, so you should charge it fully.
  2. Or the distance between your device and your Bluetooth headphone is too much, which results in unstable signals.
  3. Clear all the paired devices from your phone and reboot to connect to the headphone.
  4. If you are walking, make sure to put your headphone and your device in the same pocket, or pockets on the same side, so the signals are disturbed.

Lastly, In case your headphones are beyond recovery then you should buy new ones using our guide.

1- Top Headphones Under 20 Dollars.
2- Top Gaming Headsets Under 30 Dollars.
3- Top Earbuds Under 30 Dollars.

Happy Fixing & Buying 🙂

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Max Anthony

Mainly Max Anthony is an athletics tutor & lives in Texas but that's not it. He's is also a music producer, content creator, record producer, writer, and session musician. He has been producing music and engineering at a lower level for over 5 years. His passions include quality music gear and that's what he loves to write about on HifiBeast. ( Shoot him an email now )

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