YouTube TV Freezing – How To Fix

By Max Anthony •  Updated: 10/10/22 •  5 min read

YouTube TV Freezing

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YouTube TV is a good streaming service but it can be a little buggy. It will sometimes freeze up and that’s what this article is about. We will cover the most common ways to fix YouTube TV freezing

Causes of YouTube TV Freezing

DNS Errors

The YouTube TV DNS server is the one that gets overloaded and it’s the DNS server that fails. This is because YouTube TV does not have any caching DNS servers.

This means that every time you connect to YouTube TV, it’s going to have to go out and look for the IP address of the DNS server. If the DNS server goes down, then YouTube TV will have a problem.

YouTube TV is a great streaming service but if you’re having trouble with it, then try switching your DNS servers. Many free DNS servers can be used for this purpose. Here are some popular ones:

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Your Computer Hardware

You might have an older computer that just doesn’t work as well as newer computers do. It’s possible that your computer is simply not up to par and you need to upgrade your hardware or software. This is especially true if you’re using a computer that was purchased in 2008 or earlier.

The performance of your computer may not be sufficient enough for YouTube TV to run smoothly on it and if this is the case, then you should consider upgrading your hardware or software. There are also other alternatives such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) which we will cover later in this article.

Weak Network Connection

If you’re experiencing trouble with YouTube TV, then your network connection may be weak. It’s also possible that your network router is the problem. This can be a problem because many routers have become outdated and don’t work as well as they used to.

You can get a new router from an online store such as Amazon or Walmart or you can even make one yourself using the instructions that we will provide later in this article.

The YouTube TV App Is Blocked By Your School, ISP, or Network Administrator

YouTube TV may be blocked by your school, ISP, or network administrator for some reason. This may be because YouTube TV has been blocked for copyright reasons or it may be because of spam problems.

You can try to contact your school or ISP and ask them to unblock YouTube TV for you but if they refuse then you might have to go ahead and find another streaming service to use instead of YouTube TV until this issue is resolved.

YouTube TV Freezing

How To Fix YouTube TV Freezing – The Basic Fixes

Restart Your Device

Sometimes, restarting your device can fix YouTube TV freezing. Sometimes restarting your device will fix the problem but sometimes it won’t. If it doesn’t work then you’ll have to try another method of fixing YouTube TV freezing.

Use a Different Browser

The browser that you’re using may be the problem and not YouTube TV itself. Try using a different browser such as Chrome or Firefox and see if that works better for you.

Uninstall and Reinstall the App from App Store or Play Store

This is one of the most common fixes for any app freezing issue on an iPhone or iPad and this is true for YouTube TV as well. The best way to do this is to simply press and hold on the YouTube TV icon until it starts wiggling and then selects Uninstall from the pop-up menu that appears.

If you don’t see a pop-up menu then try pressing Command + Shift + Uninstall instead which will show you all of your apps on your device so that you can uninstall them one by one until YouTube TV is gone from your device completely. Once it’s gone, reinstall it again from the App Store or Play Store.

Check for Software Updates

If the above fixes didn’t work then you can try to check for software updates. These updates will probably fix the problem that you’re having with YouTube TV.

Use a Different DNS Server

It’s possible that your DNS server is not working properly and this is why YouTube TV isn’t working properly. You can use a different DNS server such as Google Public DNS or OpenDNS instead of your own and see if that works better for you.

Use a VPN Connection to Bypass YouTube TV Firewall or Blockage by Your ISP or Network Administrator

YouTube TV has a firewall built into it that will block certain types of traffic from getting through it but most VPN connections are firewalled and don’t have this problem.

A VPN connection will also help prevent your ISP from blocking YouTube TV for some reason so you should consider using one if this is the case.

Clear Cache and Data of YouTube TV App

It’s possible that your cache and data are full and that’s why YouTube TV is freezing up. This is especially true if you’re trying to watch a live stream at the same time as it’s recording because this will result in a lot of cache and data being used.

You can try to clear your cache and data by going to Settings > Storage > Clear Cache and Clear Data.

Use a Different Internet Connection or Location (Hotspot)

If you have multiple devices on your account, then one of them may be having trouble with YouTube TV freezing. If this is the case, then you should try using a different VPN connection or location (hotspot) instead of the one that you’re currently using.

This will allow all of your devices to work properly with YouTube TV so that all of them can use it without any problems.

YouTube TV is a great streaming service but it can be a little buggy. If you’re having trouble with YouTube TV freezing, then try the above fixes to see if they work for you.

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Max Anthony

Mainly Max Anthony is an athletics tutor & lives in Texas but that's not it. He's is also a music producer, content creator, record producer, writer, and session musician. He has been producing music and engineering at a lower level for over 5 years. His passions include quality music gear and that's what he loves to write about on HifiBeast. ( Shoot him an email now )

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