How to Reset Kenmore Washer

By Max Anthony •  Updated: 01/09/21 •  7 min read

How to Reset Kenmore Washer

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In today’s article, we will be discussing a prevalent yet thoughtful problem that arises when you have to deal with a washing machine. Many of us believe that Kenmore is a tried and trustworthy brand that manufactures the best washers for home use, which is totally true. However, after buying, many people get complaints about the washing machine in different circumstances and then ended up with a statement that it is not a good product. Keeping in mind such issues, we have arranged this discussion, which mainly focuses on questions related to the Kenmore washing machine, like how to reset Kenmore washer? How to troubleshoot the machine? And more.

How to Reset Kenmore Washer Easily?

Before starting, we like to mention that people usually buy Kenmore washing machines because these are based on the latest technology like front doors, automatic balancing, temperature regulation, electronic display manuals, etc., which facilitates you all with easy and fun going laundry. But facing problems or issues in doing laundry and stuff is really unacceptable and disgusting as it spoils your weekend mood and makes you call the electrician or technician every Sunday for this.

In this regard, we have gathered some important information that provides you with assistance in doing your laundry like a pro. Mainly, the problem which arises includes that your panel is not working, the motor is stuck, the dispenser is not fine, some issue with the door and more.

At times, people are also thinking about the problem too as we all don’t know much about machines and settings so we couldn’t see the main problem. So before reasons and settings, you need to know the main problem! For this purpose, we developed a term called “short-cycle experiment” in which you can use your extra or dirty clothes, some detergent, and water to undergo an experiment. This can help you in getting the main problem with your washer; after doing so, people can recognize different issues which we will be discussing further:

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The most common problem related to washing machines is that it might not drain. There are multiple reasons that lead to the draining issue like clogging in hose due to debris, malfunctioning of the washing machine, and broken or damaged draining pump. To fix this problem, firstly check the hose or drainage pump properly by manual means after turning the machine off, and see if the water is flowing out properly or not. Make sure there is no leakage in between. Possibly, if you find that okay, then move towards the resetting option.

The second major problem is that the washing machine’s door won’t be locked properly, or if it gets locked, it will not open easily. This is another serious problem which makes people worried and sometimes angry if their favorite clothes are inside. Again, the backend reasons could be various in number like jammed locking system, computer, water drainage issue, etc. Don’t panic! Just restart your washer properly with a short cycle experiment to check if the hose is working fine, and if that doesn’t work, you can step towards resetting the washer.

Moreover, sometimes the washing machine is not completing the cycle properly and the clothes come out untidy. In this way, you have to check the amount of water, detergent, and water. When you buy a washer, do a quick cycle to check the detergent ratio, clothes, and water required for proper cleaning. Then, keep the ratio in mind and adapt it every time. This can help you in proper cleaning as well as keep your washer healthy and optimum. However, if that doesn’t work, then you move to the resetting option discussed further.

So considering all these things, the first idea that came up in our minds is to return the washer settings back to normal. There are some basic steps involved to reset the Kenmore washer:

Usually, if families are using the washer, they set a child lock in that which helps prevent the machine from the reach of children. Thus, the first step is to set off this child lock, which can be done by holding “Drain and Spin” for a minimum of three seconds to release the child lock feature. This can be done to unlock the keypad. However, if your keypad has no child lock enabled, then there is no need to follow this step; you can skip that.

Consider the current situation of your appliance before getting onto the next step. Likewise, if your washer is started already or following some of the instructions directed by you, then there is a need to stop these first; only then will you be able to head towards the next one. In this way, press the “Pause” or “Cancel” button of your washer two times to cancel the ongoing operation.

After cancelling the continued work, wait for some seconds to rest and properly cancel the work. Then, there is a need to switch off the washing machine to reset it properly. Keep that in mind, “the proper troubleshooting will always be done if the device or appliance is properly turned off or not doing anything else.” Please turn off the washing machine by pressing the power button and then unplug it before moving towards the next step.

Before restoring or bringing the power back, it is suggested to wait for minutes. Doing this can help the washing machine reset properly; otherwise, you may have to repeat start. Once the power is restored, and the washer is ready for further operation, you can move to the next.

After powering the washing machine, calmly press new wash settings without doing any other manual settings. Then press the “start” button to flinch the process in one go. There is no rocket science involved in this process but try to follow the procedure as it is without any rush.

At last, when you have followed the five simple steps mentioned above, but it doesn’t work. It is suggested to contact Kenmore appliances management or customer support instead of having any local technician at your house because it is not a safe idea for you and your washer. Kenmore’s contact details are mentioned in the owner’s manual of your washing machine; however, you can find the number from their official website, too.

Related Guide: Resetting Whirlpool Washer | Resetting Amana Washer


How can I improve the effectiveness of my Kenmore washer?

Its proper maintenance and care achieve the effectiveness of an appliance. This way, a short cycle experiment is considered effective.

Where can I find my washing machine serial number?

The serial number of the washer is mentioned at the backside of the lit mostly; however, you can also find the directions from the manual.

What are the transit bolts?

The transit bolts are meant to keep the drum in place and resist movement and damage. Make sure to take out bolts to check if the machine is properly working or not.

What is a short cycle experiment?

If you want to check if the machine is properly working or not, then take some extra clothes and wash them in it, keeping the settings normal.

How to get rid of drainage issues?

Drainage is linked to the hose or pipe in the washer, so it is suggested to check that pipe manually and by a flow of simple water first. If that doesn’t work, then reset the washer.


This article has summed up the main issues and their back-end reasons for the washing machine, which is a daily or weekly use appliance found in almost every home. If you have faced one, then there is nothing to worry about because Kenmore has developed the best washers, which need some changes, and resettings, making the product work properly again. There is no need for technicians now, and make laundry easy by just learning the basic steps you need to follow in order to reset your laundry partner–Kenmore washer!
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Max Anthony

Mainly Max Anthony is an athletics tutor & lives in Texas but that's not it. He's is also a music producer, content creator, record producer, writer, and session musician. He has been producing music and engineering at a lower level for over 5 years. His passions include quality music gear and that's what he loves to write about on HifiBeast. ( Shoot him an email now )

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