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Remote control device RC73 is one of the most advanced, sophisticated, and modern of its kind. The first step in your journey with this device is to remove the back cover and locate the two screws holding the battery compartment in place.
This will allow you to open up the battery compartment and install a new one if needed. Once you have done this, you will want to open up the programming guide that came with your RC73 remote control device.
After opening it up, you will want to select “SRC5” which is the DirecTV DVR remote control code for your RC73 remote control device. Once you have done this, you will need to press down on the “R” button on your DirecTV DVR remote control device for at least three seconds for it to send a signal out over IR (infrared) which will then be picked up by your RC73 remote control device.
What is DirecTV?
DirecTV is a satellite television provider that is available in more than 40 million U.S. households and which provides more than 150 channels to its customers.
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However, not all of their services are available everywhere in the United States, so be sure to check with your local cable company if you want access to all of their services.
The most important service that DirecTV offers its customers is its ability to deliver programming in high definition or 1080p, which makes it a good choice for anyone who enjoys watching television or who has access to HDTVs.
How To Program DirecTV Remote RC73
To program your RC73 remote control device with DirecTV programming, you will need to follow these steps:
- Place the remote control device in its programming mode by pressing and holding the enter and mute buttons simultaneously.
- Place the remote control device on a flat surface, such as a table, with the button in the “programming” position. The bottom button is used to start programming and the top button is used to stop programming.
- Press and hold the top “enter” button until you see a message that reads “Enter Password.” You will be prompted to enter your manufacturer’s code. This can be found on your bill or customer information page on your DirecTV website.
- You can now press the “enter” button to accept the programming mode.
- Your RC73 remote control device is now programmed with DirecTV programming for your specific home or office location.

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Ask a Repairman Live NowDirecTV Programming Troubleshooting
If you have any problems with programming your RC73 remote control device, be sure to contact the manufacturer for help.
If you are still having problems, it is possible that your remote control device is not functioning properly. In this case, try changing the batteries in the remote control device and check to see if this fixes the problem.
You also need to check the compatibility of your RC73 remote control device with your DirecTV DVR and make sure that it is compatible. If it is not, you will need to contact the manufacturer for help.
Other Troubleshooting Steps
If you are still having problems with programming your RC73 remote control device, try these steps:
- Check to see if the battery compartment cover is on properly and not damaged.
- Check to see if the batteries are installed correctly in the remote control device
- Try using a different set of batteries in the remote control device.
- Try reprogramming your RC73 remote control device by following the steps above or by using a different code provided by DirecTV programming or your cable company.
If none of these steps fix your problem, you will need to contact the manufacturer for help.
Is There A Way To Reset My DirecTV Remote Control Device?
There is no way to reset your RC73 remote control device or its programming to default.
However, you can use the IR blaster on your RC73 remote control device to perform some basic functions such as changing channels and turning on/off your television.
What are the Benefits of Using an IR Remote Control Device?
There are many benefits to using an IR remote control device over a traditional remote control. For example, they can be used in rooms where the lighting is poor or where it may be difficult to see a traditional remote control.
They also make it easier for people with limited mobility to use their television because they do not have to walk all over the room to operate their television. Furthermore, these devices also help improve TV viewing for people who have problems with their eyesight or are using glasses because they can operate their television without having to look at it directly.
IR remote control devices are also very easy to use because they can be programmed to work with most televisions and many other devices such as computers, stereo systems, DVD players, and home automation systems.
Why Do People Choose IR Remote Control Devices?
There are many reasons why people choose to use IR remote control devices over traditional remote controls.
For example, the majority of people prefer using IR remote control devices because they do not have to deal with any batteries or electronics to operate their television. This makes them more convenient and easier to use than traditional remote controls.
Also, IR remote control devices are more durable than traditional remote controls because they are made out of plastic instead of metal and are designed to withstand frequent use.
Finally, IR remote control devices can be programmed by the user to allow them to operate different devices such as a television, stereo system, DVD player, or home automation system. This makes them more versatile than traditional remote controls.
This article has provided a brief overview of how to program your DirecTV remote control device with DirecTV programming.
Be sure to use the information in this article if you are having problems programming your RC73 remote control device. If you have any questions about how to program your RC73 remote control device, be sure to contact the manufacturer for help.
Max Anthony
Mainly Max Anthony is an athletics tutor & lives in Texas but that's not it. He's is also a music producer, content creator, record producer, writer, and session musician. He has been producing music and engineering at a lower level for over 5 years. His passions include quality music gear and that's what he loves to write about on HifiBeast. ( Shoot him an email now )
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