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The Fire TV Stick is a mini streaming device from Amazon. The device is made by Amazon and allows you to stream your favorite shows, movies, and music from your home or even the internet. The Fire TV Stick can be used to access many apps like Netflix, Hulu, HBO GO, Amazon Prime Video, and so on.
However, if you are using a Fire TV Stick remote that is not working properly or malfunctioning then you will need to know how to fix it. This article will show you the best way of fixing your Fire TV Stick remote so that it can work properly again.
What Causes a Fire Stick Remote to Stop Working?
If your Fire TV Stick remote stops working, it could be several things. Here are the most common problems that may cause a remote to stop working:
Bluetooth pairing
The most common reason for a remote to stop working is the pairing of your remote with your Fire TV Stick.
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If you are not able to pair your remote with your Fire TV Stick, try unplugging and replugging the device.
Fire TV Stick Update Stuck
Sometimes a software update on your Fire TV Stick may cause a problem with the remote. Try restarting the device, or re-downloading the latest software update. If this does not work, try replacing the batteries in the remote. This can be done by unplugging and replugging the device in and out of power several times.
Remote battery issue
If your remote is not able to be paired with your Fire TV Stick, it may be that the batteries in the remote are not fully charged. To charge the remote, plug it into a power source. It will take a few hours for the batteries to charge fully.
How to Fix a Fire Stick Remote Not Working?
If your Fire Stick remote is not working then you need to replace the battery. Just remove the battery from the remote and put it back in. If this does not work then you will need to replace the entire remote. Here is how to do that:
First, remove the back cover from your Fire Stick by pressing it at the bottom.
Next, disconnect all of the cables that go into your Fire Stick, such as Ethernet cable, HDMI cable, etc. You will also need to disconnect power from your Fire Stick. You can either unplug it or cut off power with a paperclip.
Now unscrew the bottom screws on your Fire Stick by removing them with a Phillips screwdriver. Then remove them completely so that you can remove your Fire Stick completely from its case. Now take out all of the screws inside of your case and take out everything inside of it.
Now there should be only a piece of plastic inside that case so unscrew that plastic piece and remove it as well. Then unscrew all of the screws on top of your Fire Stick using a Phillips screwdriver as well and take out everything that is above it including its power cord, HDMI cord, Ethernet cord, etc. Finally, take out the battery and the USB cord.
Now you can put your new battery in your Fire Stick and then plug it back into its case. Now screw the screws back in place that you took out previously. Then screw the top screws back in place and plug your Fire Stick back into its power cord.
Then connect all of the cables that you disconnected earlier such as HDMI cable, Ethernet cable, etc. Lastly, put the top case back on your Fire Stick and plug it back into its power cord.

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Ask a Repairman Live NowHow to Reset Fire Stick Remote Control?
For resetting your Fire TV Stick remote control, please follow the steps below:
Power off your Fire TV Stick first. Then, press and hold the POWER button on the top of your Fire TV Stick for about 20 seconds. Then, release the POWER button. After a few seconds, you will see a message asking you to confirm resetting.
Select “Yes” to reset your Fire TV Stick remote control. After resetting, you will need to set up your new remote control. To do this, follow these steps: Open Settings by tapping on the Settings icon in the App Store (or by pressing on the gear icon).
From here, select “Settings” > “Set Up Remote Control” > “Add a Device” > select “Fire TV” from the list of devices and select “Fire TV” from within that menu as well.
Once you have successfully set up your new remote control for Netflix and other apps (for example Hulu Plus), it will work for future sessions until you set it up again or reboot your Fire TV Stick again.
Is Fire Stick A Good Product?
The Fire TV Stick is a great entry-level streaming device. You can use it to access a wide variety of services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video, and it will also work with your local network TV service (if you have one).
It doesn’t have the latest 4K HDR video support, but that doesn’t matter if you just want to watch some older shows. It also doesn’t have an Ethernet port for wired internet connectivity. This means that you’ll need to use an Ethernet cable or WiFi if you want to stream from your computer.
You can easily add a USB storage device to the Fire TV Stick for more space and faster loading times. The Amazon App Store also has a wide selection of free apps for this device.
The biggest problem with the Fire TV Stick is that it is still limited by the number of apps available on Amazon Prime Video. It has a very limited selection compared to the Roku devices, which have more than 1,000 channels in its store. There are hundreds of thousands of apps available on Roku devices too!
If you don’t mind using your smartphone or tablet as your remote control, then this device may be for you. If you’re looking for a more traditional media player, then the Roku devices may be a better choice.
Max Anthony
Mainly Max Anthony is an athletics tutor & lives in Texas but that's not it. He's is also a music producer, content creator, record producer, writer, and session musician. He has been producing music and engineering at a lower level for over 5 years. His passions include quality music gear and that's what he loves to write about on HifiBeast. ( Shoot him an email now )
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