Apple Airtag Range

By Max Anthony •  Updated: 08/08/22 •  6 min read

Apple Airtag Range

What Is Apple Airtag?

Apple Airtag is a device that attaches to the headphone jack of your iPhone and MacBook Pro. The Apple Airtag device hooks up to your Apple devices via a special cable. This is used to create two new ports on your iPhone or MacBook Pro.

The cable plugs into the headphone jack on your Apple device. The cable then goes into the Airtag and you can plug any other headphones into the second port. These are the same headphones that would normally go into your iPhone or MacBook Pro’s headphone jack.

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You will still be able to use all of the controls on these headphones, but you won’t have to worry about taking them out of your pocket or putting them in a case when you want to listen to music with them.

Apple Airtag was designed by Apple specifically for people who carry their iPhones and MacBook Pros in their pockets all day long. The main advantage of using this is that you can take your iPhone or MacBook Pro out of its case and listen to music without having to take it out of your pocket or put it in a bag with other things that may damage it over time.

How far is the Apple Airtag’s range?

For a fast-acting beacon, the Apple Airtag’s range is impressive. They can reach about 30 feet with a single battery charge. And, of course, that’s still a great distance for those using the Apple Airtag as a traditional dog leash.

The Airtag does require that you use a battery. The batteries are included in the Apple Airtag package and can be replaced in seconds without tools.

There are two things to consider when deciding whether or not to use the Apple Airtag: price and performance. While they are both on the expensive side of leash products, they do come with some features that may help justify their cost.

As we mentioned above, the range of the Apple Airtag is quite impressive at 30 feet (under ideal conditions). But under less than ideal conditions (like an area where there is little or no cellular signal), your device may still work.

Apple Airtag Range

What are the advantages of using Apple Airtag?

First of all, Airtag makes you feel better and more secure because it’s a wearable device that secures your smartphone. The Air Tag is a small ring that has a sensor, and when you put it on your finger, it’s able to detect if your phone is near you. This is important because people often leave their phones behind while they are in public places, like at the beach or the pool. This can lead to security concerns.

The second advantage of using Apple Airtag is that the Air Tag makes your smartphone more secure by being able to communicate with the iPhone Xs and Xs Max through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). The feature makes your phone more secure by being able to be tracked and find it when lost.

The third advantage of using Apple Airtag is that it allows you to use both Apple Pay and Apple Watch simultaneously on one phone. So, you can put the Air Tag on one hand and use your phone with Apple Pay or Apple Watch on the other hand without having to remove anything from one hand or the other.

It’s also important because people often lose their phones and then buy new ones, which means they have to switch their phones and use different apps. So, having a tag that you can use with both Apple Pay and Apple Watch is helpful because it allows you to keep using the same apps on both devices.

What are the disadvantages of using Apple Airtag?

The first disadvantage of using Apple Airtag is that it’s only compatible with the iPhone Xs and Xs Max. So, if you have an older phone, you won’t be able to use it with the Air Tag. However, since this is a newer version of the Air Tag, this shouldn’t be an issue in the future.

The second disadvantage of using Apple Airtag is that it doesn’t work with other phones. It also doesn’t work with most cases or coverings for your phone because it only works with special cases for your phone called Air Tips.

This makes sense because if you used your Air Tag on a case or cover, then it would be less secure than if you had used it on a regular ring or band instead.

The third disadvantage of using Apple Airtag is that if you want to use multiple things on one hand like money and credit cards while also having your phone nearby, then it’s not possible to do so with Apple Airtag.

The fourth disadvantage of using Apple Airtag is that it doesn’t have an easy way to replace the battery if it runs out of power. If you don’t want to use a lot of power from your phone, then you can’t use Apple Airtag because the battery is built into the ring.

This means that if you need to change the battery, then you will have to take off your ring and put on a new one instead.

What other alternatives can you use besides Apple Airtag?

If you’re looking for a way to track your MacBook, you have many options. Some people prefer to use Bluetooth Tracking Tags or RFID tags. You can also get tags from ThinkGeek and MyTrackTag. These products are smaller than the Apple Airtag and have the same range of motion as the Apple Airtag. They’re also cheaper and more durable than the Apple Airtag.

If you lose your Apple Airtag, you can get a replacement by contacting or by visiting an Apple Store. If they don’t have one in stock, they will order one for you and ship it to your home or office address via UPS or FedEx Ground service at no additional cost to you.

The biggest downside of using an Apple Airtag is that it’s expensive. You can’t get an Apple Airtag for free and you have to pay for shipping and insurance if you want one shipped to you from an Apple Store or a third-party reseller. It’s a little bit of a hassle, but if you have any concerns about losing your MacBook, it’s worth the cost.

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Max Anthony

Mainly Max Anthony is an athletics tutor & lives in Texas but that's not it. He's is also a music producer, content creator, record producer, writer, and session musician. He has been producing music and engineering at a lower level for over 5 years. His passions include quality music gear and that's what he loves to write about on HifiBeast. ( Shoot him an email now )

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