By using our site you agree that you have given full authority to bind to any third party customer or any company or legal things that you might use.By visiting or interacting with Hifibeast you agree to all the terms of our use.

Visitors, viewers, users, subscribers, members, affiliates, or customers, are all referred as “Visitors,” and are the parties to this agreement.

The website and its owners and or operators are parties to this agreement, referred  as “Website.”

Unless you have entered into any partnership with our website you hereby have no right to use, publish or sell any of the contents or portions of this website, legal action will be taken against anyone who tries to copy anything related to Hifibeast. Since it may be difficult to quantify the exact damages arising from infringement of this provision, Visitor agrees to compensate the owners of HifiBeast with specific damages in the amount of U.S. $100,000, or, if it can be calculated, the actual costs and actual damages of this provision.

No responsibility is taken for any malicious viruses entering a visitor’s software since there is a constant interaction between visitors and other third party things like pop ups etc. You also agree not to hold us responsible for any damages beyond our control.

In no case is the viewer, visitor, member, subscriber or customer permitted to go to court or have a jury or trial.


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