Tech Product Reviewer

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The Internet has made it possible for almost anyone to build a website, blog, or other content. These platforms are great for presenting product reviews. One of the most popular product reviewers is the tech reviewer.

Would you like to become a tech reviewer? Why do you want to do this kind of work? Is it a hobby, or would you like to do it for fun? Or would you like to start a serious career as a tech reviewer? No matter how you answered, it’s OK.

In this article, we’ll discuss what a tech product reviewer does, how to create tech product reviews, and more. Let’s get started!

What are Tech Product Reviews

A tech product review is content that examines how a product works, the benefits and disadvantages of the tech product, and more. Many tech reviews are written for magazines, other publications, and online (blogs, websites, videos, and more).

The information contained in a product review helps customers make purchasing decisions. Customer use tech product reviews to decide whether the product fits their needs and expectations or not.

In many cases, the more necessary or expensive the tech product, the more research customers will do before making a purchase decision.

Tech reviews may be done by the following:

Industry professionals: are usually done by influential individuals in a specific industry.

Marketing team & internal writer reviews: reviews are done by marketing teams and internal writers for a business that wants to increase the awareness of a product and its positives.

Customer reviews: feedback from customers who want to share their experience with other buyers.

Blog & social media reviews: bloggers and social media influencers may partner with certain brands or companies to review a tech product and share their experiences and opinions with their audiences.

Affiliate reviews: this is another type of partnership that may be entered into by bloggers and influencers with a certain brand or business. These reviews are usually positive for certain terms of the partnership.

Most tech reviews include an overall rating, such as five stars (a 1-star rating is an unfavorable review, while a 5-star rating is the best). Customers can use the star rating as an overall recommendation, but they read/listen/ or watch the reviews to learn the specifics about the tech product they’re interested in purchasing.

Why are Tech Product Reviews Important?

Unbiased tech product reviews are the most valuable. Biased reviews are usually positive and don’t include any of the negatives about a product. Consider the result if a non-techy customer buys a product on the basis of a biased tech product review. They may be horribly disappointed with their purchase and want their money back. But why are tech product reviews important?

Customers can learn a lot from tech product reviews. For instance, they can learn about the product’s specifications and do they really measure up to the brand’s claims. But there are many other benefits to product reviews.

Product value/cost: a tech product may look pretty flashy and have all the configurations a customer wants. However, customers on a budget may want to learn if there are alternatives that are more affordably priced that come with similar features.

Features: speaking of features, customers can learn all about a tech product’s features by reading a product review. The information is helpful for customers who are searching for specific features they may need. However, customers may also learn about similar devices that have better features. Customers can learn about this information from tech product reviews.

Product lifespan/reliability: another important piece of information is how long a tech product will last. A product’s lifespan and reliability are essential, especially when times are hard and customers are concerned about spending their money on the right products. No one wants to buy a smartphone, for instance, that only lasts a year. What’s the use of that? In addition, customers want to buy products that offer reliable service. Back to the smartphone example, no one wants to purchase a phone that doesn’t work or isn’t reliable. Customers can learn this information from tech product reviews. Rather than spending their money on tech products that don’t work, reviews can help a customer choose a tech product that gives them the most bang for their buck!

Product reviews build trust: today’s customer search for reviews before buying a tech product. Unbiased, positive reviews gain a customer’s trust and make them feel more comfortable about buying a specific tech product.

Point out issues with the product: product reviews also allow manufacturers and brands to learn about problems customers are having with their tech products. When reviews are negative, the company has a chance to fix the issue and improve the product. This can gain more positive tech reviews and credibility at the same time.

Tech product reviews increase conversions: here, again, positive, unbiased tech reviews can increase conversion rates. Positive reviews help customers feel better about buying a specific tech product.

Tech product reviews reduce returns: another benefit of tech product reviews is that they cut down on customer returns. When tech product reviews contain plenty of information and a positive rating, customers have a better idea of what they’re buying. They’re confident about making the right decision to purchase the tech product. In that case, a brand or retailer may have lower return rates.

What are Customers Looking for in a Tech Product Review?

There are many tech products available today that customers can be overwhelmed. It’s challenging to find the right product, so customers usually research the products they’re interested in. Tech product reviews help customers sift through the worthless products to those that are the best.

So, what do customers look for in a tech product review?

Features Tested in the Real World

One of the first things customers look for in a good tech product review is what the device is like to use. How does it work when used daily? It’s more than just the specs of the device being reviewed. Customers want to understand how the item operates.

Real-world testing of tech devices can be challenging, but that’s part of the draw for customers. For instance, reviewers have been known to test smartphones underwater (to test the device’s ability to get dunked, caked in mud, etc.) and other great tests. It’s OK to have fun as you run these tests, but the result is to see if they truly hold up to their claims or not.

Be Relatable

Another thing customers look for in a review is whether it’s relatable or not. What do we mean? A good review needs to help the customer picture themselves using the device and to understand how it will work for them.

Customers also focus on reviewers who have gained credibility and a reputation for creating unbiased, truthful tech product reviews.

Know the Target Audience

As a reviewer, it’s essential to know your target audience and what they expect in a tech product review. A reviewer must make it clear who the device is for and how it fits into their lives.

Make Tech Product Reviews Personal

Finally, a good reviewer knows how to convey their experience with the tech product. Being honest is crucial. In addition, providing information on whether the product met your expectations, did it feel cheap or well-made, heavy, and more.

Sharing concerns (perhaps the price is too high or the product is shoddy in some way), detailing design elements, and more make for a great review.

Each one of these points is what customers look for in a great tech product review. But how should you write a product review? We’ll cover this in the next section!

How to Write a Tech Product Review

It takes time to conduct a proper tech product review. As a reviewer, customers expect you to inform them why they should use the product and to provide details about the tech product.

Here are the steps to writing a tech product review:


Research is an important part of writing a tech product review. You must choose a product you and your target audience are interested in. Read about the product you’ve chosen to review. It’s best to read about the tech product from different perspectives and to learn about the features manufacturers share about their products.

Think like a customer. What would they like to learn about the tech product? They want to know about the tech product’s specs, new features or innovations, evolutions in the technology (such as an updated version of their product), and more. Taking notes is helpful. That way, you create a reference to look back on when you need specific stats or product information.

Make Your Tech Product Review Unique

Determine how the item is unique and why this is important. Why do these unique features make the product better or stand out above the alternative products on the market?

Test the Product

Test the device yourself. If you’re not able to buy the device, go to the store and use a device that’s on display. While it may not be possible to use all the features, you’ll have a better understanding of how the product works.

You may also want to contact the company or their PR representative. Let them know the name of your publication and the type of review you’re doing. It’s possible they will send the product to you for free! But be careful. There are rules governing reviews for products. If you receive a free product to review, it must be disclosed to your readers.

Here are some questions to consider when testing the product:

Know Your Audience

Why is knowing your audience important for your tech product review? Writing for your audience is crucial. For instance, say you’re writing for a non-techy group of individuals. That means it’s necessary to avoid jargon, use a more general theme to frame your review for an audience that may not have heard of the device, and more.

Here are the key points for this section:

When you write the review, it’s best for your article to have some basic structure:

1. Start Off with a Title That Stands Out

Use the keywords a buyer would use to find information about the tech product.

2. Establish Your Authority as a Reviewer

Let the audience know why they should put credence in your review. Are you an expert or an enthusiast? Have you reviewed tech products on a regular basis? Identify yourself as the author and include a picture of yourself (if this is allowed). Explain why you’re an expert, empathize with pain points shared with the audience, and more.

3. Create a Product summary

This should be a scannable list a reader can get through quickly. Include information on whether you recommend this tech product, who the product is best for, and where readers can purchase the product. Be sure to include the best price that’s currently available for the product, too.

4. Create a Buying Guide

Your buying guide should include all the information readers expect, including tech specs, materials, quality, durability, value for money, and other information customers want.

Include the following points in your buying guide:

5. Share Your Test Results

You can share test results through images, social proof, screenshots, and more. Adding a video of your product evaluation can also be beneficial to your audience.

6. List Product Alternatives

Along with the product review, list alternative products as a solution for some of your audience. Perhaps your review tech gadget is too expensive for some individuals. In that case, be sure to recommend alternatives that offer similar features and work in the same way.

7. End with a Strong CTA

The CTA (Call to Action) is found at the end of a tech product review. Share your honest opinion of the product and whether you can recommend it to your audience or not. Sum up what you liked or disliked about the tech product. Then end the tech product review with a strong CTA to buy the product (or not).

These are the factors that make for the best tech product reviews for your audience.

Where to Get Your Tech Product Reviewed

There are a number of ways to have your tech product reviewed, including the following:

In some cases, it’s necessary to form a relationship with the reviewers. You can follow them across social media platforms, comment on their blog or site, and more.

Once you’ve formed a relationship with a reviewer, it may be necessary to offer them your tech product for free in exchange for a review. But that’s not always the case.

You can find these review sites and individuals by doing Google searches for “term + product reviewers.” For instance, you can do a search for smartphone reviewers with this search term, “smartphone reviewers.”

Tech Product Reviewer List

We’ve created a list of tech product reviewers who work with small companies, entrepreneurs, and more! We can’t guarantee that you’ll hear back from these sites or not. But we wish you the best of luck!

Tom’s Guide

This site offers reviews on a wide range of tech products. We like this site for its in-depth analysis of each product.

This website is part of an international media group and a leading digital publisher. So, you may need to contact their corporate site about a tech product review: Here, head to the contact section and write a note explaining that you’d like them to review your tech product. You may hear back or not.


TechRadar is another great tech review site. Their goal is to be one of the most trusted sites in tech reviews. They have a strict review and testing process, along with a great team of journalists. They regularly turn out amazing tech product reviews.

This site is also a part of Future US Inc, so you’ll need to head over to their corporate site and send a note through their contact form.

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