How To Use Jenn Air Cooktop Grill

By Max Anthony •  Updated: 06/29/22 •  3 min read

How To Use Jenn Air Cooktop Grill

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A grill is one of the best kitchen appliances you can own for preparing food. Grills are able to prepare your food in the best way possible by giving it the perfect taste and texture.

If you have never used a grill before, you might not know how to use it correctly. The purpose of this article is to help you learn how to use a Jenn Air Cooktop Grill properly so that you can get the most out of it.

Here’s how to use a Jenn Air Cooktop Grill:

Correctly place it on your stove

The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you place your Jenn Air Cooktop Grill on the stove in the right way. Make sure that it is not resting on the burners, but instead, on the counter top or on a flat surface.

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How To Use Jenn Air Cooktop Grill

Turn it on and preheat it

After you have placed your Jenn Air Cooktop Grill on the stove, turn it on by pushing down a little bit on one side of a knob located in the middle of your Jenn Air Cooktop Grill and pulling up another knob located at the back of your Jenn Air Cooktop Grill. Once this is done, your Jenn Air Cooktop Grill will start heating up.

Add oil to the grill

Once your Jenn Air Cooktop Grill has been heated up, you can now pour some oil located in the middle of your Jenn Air Cooktop Grill. Make sure that you do not add too much oil because this will only result in it splattering everywhere.

Oil is great to keep your food from sticking to the grill. Make sure that you do not put too much oil because this will result in your food becoming too greasy.

Cook the food

After you have added oil to your Jenn Air Cooktop Grill, it is now time to cook your food. It’s best to dry your food before you place it on the grill because this will make it easier for you to grill it, as well as minimize the splatter that happens when it comes into contact with the oil.

Make sure to wait half the time it takes for the food to grill completely before turning it over. This will help you get the best taste and texture for your food. It will also keep you from ending with one undercooked side and one overcooked side.

Turn it off and remove it from the stove

Once the food is done being cooked, turn off your Jenn Air Cooktop Grill by pushing back the same knob you used to first turn on the Air Cooktop Grill. Once this is done, remove it from the stove. If the food is particularly greasy, make sure to put it on a paper towel to let the tissue soak up the grease.

If you follow these steps, you will be able to use your Jenn Air Cooktop Grill properly and get the most out of it. This will help you make great food with ease.

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Max Anthony

Mainly Max Anthony is an athletics tutor & lives in Texas but that's not it. He's is also a music producer, content creator, record producer, writer, and session musician. He has been producing music and engineering at a lower level for over 5 years. His passions include quality music gear and that's what he loves to write about on HifiBeast. ( Shoot him an email now )

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