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Model numbers of Amana products can be very confusing. The letters and numbers can be mixed up and cause you to think that a product is something that it is not.
Below are some basic rules for the Model Numbers of Amana products. The first number tells you the year of manufacture, followed by the letter A or B.
Then there is a series of numbers and letters that tells you how many pieces in the series were made in that year.
This number is followed by another letter, S or P, which tells you whether or not the oven was an early production unit with a stamped serial number or a later production unit with a die-stamped serial number.
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The last part of the model number is either an A or B which indicates whether the oven was originally equipped with an electric start (A) or was not equipped with an electric start (B).
The most common Amana model numbers are listed below.
1.5A5B5P2030A : 1970 A Unit # 3,000 (May 1970)
1.5A5B5P2030B : 1970 B Unit # 1,500 (April 1970)
1.5A5B5P2030C : 1970 C Unit # 1,000 (March 1970)
1.5A5B7P2030A : 1971 A Unit # 4,500 (May 1971)
1.5A7P2103AP2G6D1N9 : 1972 P Unit # 2,300 (April 1972)
So you can say that 1.5A5B5P2030A means 1970 Amana 1.5A5B5 (or #3,000) oven with a stamped serial number, manufactured in May 1970.
You can also say that 1.5A5B7P2030A means 1971 Amana 1.5A7 (or #4,500) oven with a stamped serial number, manufactured in May 1971.
For example: If you were looking for an Amana Model #3K18 Oven, you would type the following into Google or Bing:
“1.5A5B5P2030A” + “3K18″ + ” Amana”
Note: The serial number of an oven is the unique number that is stamped on the bottom of the door at the factory. An Amana oven will have a total of six numbers stamped on it (2-3-4-5-6) plus one letter/number combination (R or L).
This tells you how many ovens were made in that year. So if you wanted to find out how many ovens were made in the year 2008, you would type the following into Google or Bing:
“1.5A5B5P2030A” + “2008”
The serial number on an Amana oven is not just for identification purposes. It is also used to determine when your Amana oven was manufactured.
When an Amana factory first starts production of a new model, they will produce many of that model (or series) in the first year. Then as production levels off, the number of ovens produced each year will be fewer and fewer until eventually only a few are produced each year.
Serial numbers can also be used to help you determine if your Amana oven was originally equipped with an electric start or not. If you want to find out if your Amana has an electric start, search for “1.5A5B7P2030A” + “electric start”. If it does not have an electric start, search for “1.5A7P2103AP2G6D1N9”.
Max Anthony
Mainly Max Anthony is an athletics tutor & lives in Texas but that's not it. He's is also a music producer, content creator, record producer, writer, and session musician. He has been producing music and engineering at a lower level for over 5 years. His passions include quality music gear and that's what he loves to write about on HifiBeast. ( Shoot him an email now )Help with setup and starting issues, blinking error lights & all your repair needs in just minutes
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