How To Connect Nintendo Switch To TV Without Dock

By Max Anthony •  Updated: 02/27/23 •  4 min read

How To Connect Nintendo Switch To TV Without Dock

Is It Possible to Connect a Nintendo Switch to a TV Without the Dock?

Nintendo Switch consoles and those with an OLED screen are compatible with most TVs and require no docking station. It won’t work with Nintendo Switches, because they don’t have a connector that supports displaying over USB-C. If you have a TV or monitor that supports USB-C, you can use an HDMI cable to reach it.

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If your display is capable of working with USB-C, you may be able to use a USB-C cable to connect your Switch to your TV. However, you will need to ensure that the cable you choose allows you to display your switch on a device that is capable of supporting USB-C. This is one method you can use to make sure that your TV or your computer still works if your dock stops functioning.

Use a USB-C to HDMI Cable and an HDMI Adapter

There is a wide range of USB-C connectors which can be used with your Nintendo Switch to allow you to transfer files to a TV when your computer is away from your computer or if your dock is not functioning.

Just plug in a USB-C cable to the end of the HDMI cable that you’ll use to power the Switch, then plug in an HDMI cable that goes from the Switch to the TV or monitor that you will use. Now that you can view all the content that you bought, you will be a lot more productive when you are playing with friends or family.

How To Connect Nintendo Switch To TV Without Dock

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Use an HDMI Cable and a USB-C Hub

Alternatively, you will be able to get a USB-C hub for the Nintendo Switch. These hub devices are multifunctional and allow you to plug them in to run ports like Ethernet, USB ports, and also card readers. If your computer has one such device, you may be able to plug it directly into your Switch and then use an HDMI cable to connect the device to the switch.

Is It Possible to Mirror a Nintendo Switch to a TV Wirelessly?

There is no built-in way to wireless connect a Nintendo Switch to a TV via HDMI, but there is a way to do this. Some TV sets have a built-in method that allows you to transmit video to a TV, but other devices allow you to do this by using a separate HDMI cable.

There are many wireless HDMI cables that you can buy that connect wirelessly to the HDMI port on the Switch and to the TV. They transmit data very quickly (typically by using a very low-power transmitter), and the frequencies used for this are very low (5GHz), so it’s best to keep your devices separate if there aren’t too many obstacles between them.

Is It Possible to Charge a Nintendo Switch Without the Dock?

You should be able to use any USB-C charger to power up your Nintendo Switch even if you don’t have a dock for it, or if you are going to a place where there is no dock for your Nintendo Switch. Alternatively, you could use the same charger that comes with Nintendo Switch Lite, which is just as good as the charger that you will get with the Switch itself.

Is It Possible to Connect a Nintendo Switch Lite to a TV?

It is not possible to use the Nintendo Switch Lite as a TV controller. Also, the Lite does not have the necessary components to run USB-C-capable displays.


Nintendo Switch is very easy to connect to a monitor or TV without a dock. It is not necessary to buy a USB-C cable to display content on a big screen, however. Not all USB-AC cables support display. When you play a Nintendo Switch game with other people, you can still play it even if it is a Nintendo Switch Lite. As long as the other player is using a real Nintendo Switch (or other console) to view the game.

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Max Anthony

Mainly Max Anthony is an athletics tutor & lives in Texas but that's not it. He's is also a music producer, content creator, record producer, writer, and session musician. He has been producing music and engineering at a lower level for over 5 years. His passions include quality music gear and that's what he loves to write about on HifiBeast. ( Shoot him an email now )