AT&T Smart Home Manager Not Working – How To Fix

By Max Anthony •  Updated: 09/22/23 •  7 min read

AT&T Smart Home Manager Not Working

AT&T Smart Home Manager is an app for your Android phone that lets you control your AT&T-connected devices (and other home automation products) from your phone. It’s the only AT&T app available for Android. The hub and devices must be AT&T-compatible, meaning they must support Z-Wave and ZigBee RF mesh networking protocols and work with AT&T’s Home Control software. To see which Z-Wave and ZigBee devices work with the AT&T hub, check out this guide on configuring the hubs to communicate with each other.

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Once configured, AT&T Smart Home Manager works well, as long as you remember to check it every now and then. For example, when I added my garage door opener to my SmartThings setup (via a Wink hub), it never appeared in the “Home Automation” section of the app. I found that clicking on “Devices” in the menu at the top right of the page would show all of my connected devices, including my garage door opener, but clicking on “Add Device” didn’t do anything—my garage door opener was still not showing up in the “Home Automation” section of the app.

The Home Control feature is useful, but you need to remember to open it and make sure all your devices are listed. And then, you need to keep checking it every once in a while because it sometimes takes a few minutes for the hub to reconnect to the AT&T servers after you turn off your Wi-Fi connection. I never had any problems with this app, but I had a few issues with my Wink hub.

You have to remember that sometimes, restarting the phone will cause your new device to appear in the “Home Automation” section of the app—if that happens, be sure to give AT&T Smart Home Manager time to reconnect before using it again. Also, if your phone has a problem with connecting with AT&T’s servers or if you’re on an unstable Wi-Fi connection, AT&T Smart Home Manager may not work properly.

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Click on the device to open its Settings menu, where you can control all of the settings for that device. For example, you can turn off a device or set it to Away mode (where it will turn off its lights but still respond to commands from your phone). Change the mode for a device from Away to On or Off.

This can be useful if you want a certain room’s lights turned off but still want them to respond to commands from your phone. Note that this feature only works with Z-Wave and ZigBee devices; there is no way for you to change the mode of a non-Z-Wave or non-ZigBee device. The AT&T app supports push notifications so you’ll know when new features are available in the app.

The app also supports automatic push notifications—if an update is available, AT&T Smart Home Manager will tell you so you can update the app immediately without having to check it every day.

AT&T Smart Home Manager Not Working

How To Fix AT&T Smart Home Manager Not Working

Make Use Of The Internet Connections In Our Homes.

Smart Home Manager for AT&T routers is a software application that allows you to take charge of your home network from any computer that has a wireless connection to AT&T. You will have to be on the network that AT&T has created in order to be able to use the AT&T Smart Home Manager to manage your home network. Check a few things to see if your smart home management app is working as it should. If it does, continue to the next step.

Turn Down Any VPN That You Use to Connect to the Internet.

If you have a device connected to a public network (or a local network) and you want to use Smart Home Manager, disable your VPN. VPNs encrypt the data that you send to, and receive form a secure tunnel between devices. It may be that the router or the network will not permit the Smart Home Manager app to manage its functions. If that happens, the app can’t access the data it needs to work. You can turn the VPN off by turning it on and off as necessary, and try running the app on another device. If something goes wrong while using the Smart Home Manager app, turn off your VPN. This way, you won’t have to worry about it the next time you use the app.

Clear the App Cache

Apps always have a certain amount of memory available, which is usually where the data is stored. Sometimes these data are temporarily saved to prevent the app from being unable to fetch any data the next time you open the app. Occasionally, apps that use a lot of data on one device may corrupt this data, and you may not be able to use the app as intended the following time. Clear the Smart Home Manager app cache to get it to work properly.

How to remove all cache from Smart Home Manager on your Android device?

How to remove all cache from Smart Home Manager on your iOs device?

After you remove the cache from Smart Home Manager, try launching it from your device and trying to use it once more, to see if it still runs.

Try Restarting Your Phone and Re-installing the Smart Home Manager app from your application store.

Clear the app cache, but it won’t allow you to view all of the apps it currently has installed, and it may not run properly. If all else fails, try reinstalling the app. It’s possible that deleting the app cache won’t solve all the problems you had before, as it could be the app files that caused the problem. If that’s the case, you need to reinstall the app. After that, install Smart Home Manager again. When the app is removed from your phone, go to your app store and search for Smart Home Manager. Then try to use the app again. Search for and download Smart Home Manager in the App Store, and then try using it. If all that happens is that you lose access to some of the settings, try reinstalling it. Try trying the application a second time and see if the problems that you had previously go away.

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Max Anthony

Mainly Max Anthony is an athletics tutor & lives in Texas but that's not it. He's is also a music producer, content creator, record producer, writer, and session musician. He has been producing music and engineering at a lower level for over 5 years. His passions include quality music gear and that's what he loves to write about on HifiBeast. ( Shoot him an email now )